If You are an OpenHearted
Person Who Wants to…
Receive Non-Judgemental Support to Awaken Your Whole Being with Soul-Level Nourishment and Do the Work You Were Brought Here to Do…
Welcome, You Are in the Right Place!
Hi, I’m Cecily Armstrong and on NYE, 2006 I realized I was dying a slow and painful death.
Not a physical death… but a spiritual death. Something felt… “missing” from my life. Here’s what happened and how I made the transition from “lost” to “found:”
On that night, I’m 34 years old.
I’m living the life of my dreams: I have everything I set out for in life. I’m married to a generous man, we have two healthy young children, we live in a beautiful home. Everyone in my family is healthy and well.
Essentially, I am living the “American Dream…” but something is wrong.

On that NYE in 2006, When Asked What I Want for the Year for Myself… All I Can Do is Cry.
I was unfulfilled serving our family. I was unfulfilled raising our two children with consciousness and care. I was unfulfilled supporting him in his career.
I realized the places inside of me that are here to serve… the places that are here to help others transform their lives (apparently starting with my own…) were dying a slow and painful death inside.
From that night on, I leaned into my own growth.
I worked with a healer. I enrolled in a 4-year transpersonal healing program. I decided to show up for myself in ways that were new. In ways that, truth be told, felt kind of scary at the time.
“What Kind of a Person Has All of This, and Can’t be Happy?” I Ask Myself.

I took the risk to really let myself matter.
That NYE in 2006 was the beginning of the end of what I knew… and the result was losing everything: the house, the security, the marriage.
All gone within the next 4 years.
But now, in my old life’s place?
Is a life that daily brings me joy, gratitude, and the kinds of challenges that propel me forward into my life… and allow to me to be ALL of me… that allow me to serve others exactly as I am meant to.
So If You Are Reading This Now, I Believe YOU Matter…
…and I want to help you connect with your own hidden purpose deep within you.
Through the rocky years of my transition, I started to work with other people longing for support. I honed my skills as a healer. I tested different practices to see what would work. I followed my intuition and created a unique body of work.
And now, as of today, I’ve helped over hundreds of clients re-connect with their fundamental joy… to their deep, hidden purpose. The purpose they were brought here to fulfill…
So if you are reading this now, I don’t believe it’s by chance. I believe you’re here for a reason, and I want to help you.
Why do I want to help you? Because…
Your Life Feels Better When You’re ALIVE
The decline of your joy (and your life) will accelerate if you don’t tend it… and then it’s overwhelming and expensive to fix.
When you talk to people at the end of their life, it’s not the material possessions that matters to them. It’s not the house or the career… it’s not any of the “stuff” they have.
At the end of life what matters most are the relationships you have with others… and with yourself. It’s your connections and relationships that make you happy.
So if you are not actively curating your joy in your life? It will pass you by.
If you are not actively tending your joy, you need to start. It is THE thing to address in your life. Not only is it important… but it might just take you in a whole new direction in your life.
So if you’ve been telling yourself you just need to “Get over it and be grateful… you have everything, why are you not happy? There’s something wrong with you…”
Are you willing to believe that there’s actually something really right with you? Are you willing to ask for help?
If You Are Ready for Non-Directive, Non-Judgemental Support and Guidance…
And you want to…
Wake up every day with the profound sense that you are doing the work you were brought here to do
Explore the depths of your emotional world that you don’t know how to reach
Accept yourself on an even deeper level (yes, all of yourself)
Receive the presence of someone who has their own personal practice… who is dedicated to growth in their own life
Get new and different ways of looking at the most challenging aspects of your life: emotionally, physically, and mentally
Welcome to Full Circle Healing. I’m Cecily and I am here to serve your Wholeness.
The first step? It’s to welcome how much you care, just like an 8-year-old with her rotating stuffed animals.
Let yourself matter… let yourself taste the sweet joy of a life that comes from the satisfaction of fulfilling your exact purpose…
I’d love to give you the gift of more connection with you are. Grab the meditation below.