“Cecily has expansive knowledge about all aspects of health including the connection of the mind and body. I know she is there for me, reaffirming things I may know deep down but in the moment may not have the presence, willingness, and/or focus to conjure that up.”
“I have more peace and a more well-rounded perspective on myself after working with Cecily. It’s a gentler look at myself and a more curious look at the “why” of the behavior rather than judging and punishing myself for not being stronger.”
“Cecily gives many options, but not in a way where she is trying to ‘fix’ me. It’s empowering. She is facilitating my lifestyle changes, but I don’t turn her into a crutch, which I can do with people. It’s a healthy relationship.”
“I have kept off 9-12 pounds every year since working with Cecily – her model and recipes are a way of life for me now. I have been on a continuous quest to better my health and she continues to inspire me.”
“Cecily has expansive knowledge about all aspects of health including the connection of the mind and body. I know she is there for me, reaffirming things I may know deep down but in the moment may not have the presence, willingness, and/or focus to conjure that up.”
“Cecily has expansive knowledge about all aspects of health including the connection of the mind and body. I know she is there for me, reaffirming things I may know deep down but in the moment may not have the presence, willingness, and/or focus to conjure that up.”
“I cannot tell you how grateful I am that our paths intersected. This journey has given me incredible insight into myself and my body and I had no idea how emotional the process would be. I feel like I have shed so much of what I didn’t really need like I once thought. More importantly, I have added so much, not only to my everyday diet, but to my perspective. Cecily said it best in her email about discernment. Awareness and making the better choice has literally changed my entire outlook. I feel strong and healthy and energized! Most of all, I feel grateful for this experience and this gift to myself. May all women have and seize the opportunity to love themselves and take care of themselves in this way.”
“Cecily is an incredibly gifted healer and coach. She is compassionate, wise and clear. She possesses a wealth of knowledge about nutrition, food behaviors, body image issues and the origins of challenges in these areas. Her strong spiritual connection is evident in the way that she accesses just the right words that I need to hear at just the right moment. Above all, what I like best about working with Cecily is her capacity to be fully present with me and to really listen to what is expressed in the moment.”
“Cecily is my go-to person. When I want to improve my health, which encompasses everything–the way I eat, the way I look, the way I exercise–I trust Cecily’s knowledge and caring nature. She has a balance between serious knowledge and fun. She is warm and accepting which gives me pleasure and makes it easy to be with her, to reach out to her. It’s this warm demeanor of hers that empowers people to take care of their health.”
“Nutrition coach, nutrition counselor, I don’t think that way anymore. In my house, Cecily is ‘my person‘ that I talk to. She is more of a life coach, as the insight she has given me at this point has taught me that the weight loss is a secondary measure of what’s going on. Working with Cecily has taught me that it’s beyond the food and nutrition, it’s about thinking healthier in all areas of life.”
“It’s been a wonderful, eye opening transformation. I feel more empowered and open to trying new things.”
“Cecily’s kindness, compassion, and ability to offer a solution without judgment is really unique.”
“Usually the things we are working together on are coming from fear. That energy base…the fear of something, fear for something…it just gets turned on its head when we work together. That fear becomes love. Love for my life, love for myself, just love.”
“I didn’t want a fad ‘do this for a month and then all your weight comes right back’ type of program. I wanted something that could teach me foods that I could eat on a daily basis and replace those foods that became staples because of time and convenience. Cecily helped me learn how to nourish myself and stay healthy, a different kind of eating.”
“I’m able to explore the depths of my emotional world that I didn’t know how to reach. Cecily has given me the opportunity to be supported and guided in a non-directive manner to help me become more accepting of myself on an even deeper level.”
“I have come so far emotionally and physically since I started working with Cecily. I think I was very near having a breakdown and she was so patient with me. Today I can handle adversity much better and I have learned self-care that has helped me so much.”
“Since starting with Cecily at the end of 2017, I have lost 30 pounds and have shifted my eating habits to a whole food plant based lifestyle. I have never felt better in my body in my whole life.”
“Since working with Cecily, I feel more empowered when it comes to food choices, movement choices and managing my own anxiety. I have a deeper connection to my body and am better able to “parent” my young self.”
“Cecily is so warm, talented, and knowledgeable. Being able to enjoy her wisdom and experience the benefits of her energy work gives me a hopeful, safe feeling.”
“In working with Cecily, I was able to let go of a job that was creating a lot of stress, which was making it difficult for me to stick with a self-care practice that I know is best for me.”
“Since working with Cecily, I find it much easier to make healthy choices, and when I don’t, I can find my way to forgiveness and acceptance toward where I am. I have a greater understanding of, and compassion for, the painful experiences of my early life that shaped my food behaviors and belief patterns.”
“An integrative or holistic health coach, Cecily addresses concrete health issues and goals in the bigger context of the person’s life so that the changes–new habits formed and goals set–are aligned with who the person is at a deeper level and are attainable for the person during his or her current life circumstances.”
“Since working with Cecily, my self-esteem has improved significantly, allowing me to become more visible in my business.”
“In working with Cecily, I have a more balanced outlook outlook on life, I get better sleep, and my hormones are balanced.”
“Cecily is more than a coach, she’s a nurturer. I felt as though she could nurture my soul and help me grow.”
“I have healed several old, deeply-held issues that have contributed to my food, weight and body issues.”
“I love Cecily’s kind, intuitive, gentle but clear approach. She seemed to know what I needed before I did. She was not prescriptive but let me find my way and she simply guided and supported me the whole way.”
“Working with Cecily has powerfully improved my life. I have the skills to take care of myself with kindness and love and I now share this gift with others. It was one of the best choices I’ve ever made.”