Grain Free Chocolate and Cherry Scones

One of the most difficult things about staying healthy this time of year is all of the amazing, sugar-filled treats that come along with it! That is why I absolutely love this grain free (paleo friendly!!), chocolate and cherry scone recipe. It truly satisfies your...

POTS: The Health Condition You Didn’t See on WebMD

“It’s probably just IBS,” she said, that all-too-familiar doctor’s smile spread across her face. “Have you hear of IBS before? It’s surprisingly common, and has a wide range of symptoms that are similar to yours…” I let my mind drift as she went into her spiel. I...

4 Ways to Stay Fit Without Leaving Home this Winter

It’s that time of year again. The leaves are changing, the air is crisp, and the dread of  holiday weight gain that comes with short days, long nights, big sweaters and many holidays one after the other is lingering in the back of your head. Weight gain seems...

Meet Courtney Young

One great perk of what I do for a living is I get to meet some pretty amazing people who are shaping the world with their creative vision. Meet Courtney Young, a fresh entrepreneur who left her job to pursue a dream with her husband. I’ve asked her to share with...