Are you energetically blocked?

How do you know? What would let you know that there is a blockage? And why would you care? Energetic blocks that show up physically or emotionally in the body are my most favorite to work with.   Find me a sore shoulder or other body part, anxiety that manifests in...

Fun things about me

# of years post college education: 7 and counting- really, I just can’t get enough. It keeps me connected, thinking and alive. What I’m studying now besides nutrition: Psychoenegetics- I’m 2 years though a 5 year training program Group facilitation through the Hero’s...

On Hunger…

I’m really hungry right now. The kind of hungry that I don’t usually allow myself to become. It feels irresponsible- sometimes when I am this hungry, I can be kind of mean. We have a word for it at my house. Hangry. Today, however, I’m enjoying it. I can feel my body...